Yoga Station
Yoga Station [Yoga Station]
(Code: 512893)
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- Address
- 〒158-0096
1-13-18 Tamagawadai, Setagaya-ku, Tokyo - Telephone number
- 050-1712-2697
- Access
- 東急田園都市線用賀駅南口より徒歩2分、田中橋交差点横断後左側、首都高速高架下
【マップコード421 552*05】
- Business hours
Mon 07:00~22:00 Tue 07:00~22:00 Wed 07:00~22:00 Thur 07:00~22:00 Fri 07:00~22:00 Sat 07:00~22:00 Sun 07:00~22:00 Public holidays 07:00~22:00
- Drop off terms*
- Only passenger cars, wagons and vans can be dropped off at this location.
- Information
- ■List of location in Tokyo
■See other location in the Shibuya area
*This is a term for returning the vehicle from pick-up location to this location.
The nearest location in front of Yoga Station
- FAX number
- 03-3709-3013
(Code: 512893)